Central Broadcasting Service Ltd (CBS FM) is company dealing in broadcasting services owned by the Kingdom of Buganda under its holding investment company Buganda Investment and Commercial Undertakings Limited (BICUL) registered in 1995.
CBS under its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) department incorporated a non-profit making company namely Nsindika Njake Development & Financial Initiatives Ltd aimed at dealing with socio- economic plight of the people of the Central region.
CBS-PEWOSA -Project to Empower Women through Savings and Loan Associations is hived out of CBS long running Model Home Project under the brand name Nsindika Njake. CBS PEWOSA was born in April 2009 with the main objective to mobilise, sensitize, train and equip groups of people (particularly women who make up 75%) in selected sub- counties with relevant skills in savings mobilisation, group dynamics, leadership skills, record keeping & management, business skills and credit management among others. It is envisioned that this will bring about improved quality of life for the people of Buganda and Uganda at large.
CBS-PEWOSA project has gained enormous experience in matters of group formation, training of people in saving and credit management, women empowerment, guidance and counselling of the youth plus empowering them to engage in vocational skills etc. For instance, groups save every week, share knowledge, skills and experience in their weekly meetings which has helped them to change their financial management and investment behaviors.